Top Reasons to Use ReactJS for Its Benefits


React JS, a JavaScript family member, was introduced in 2013 by Jordan Walke, a former employee of Facebook. One of the better JavaScript libraries available for creating the apps' front ends is this one. It is currently maintained by Facebook and the developer community. Since its release, many large corporations like using it for the front-end development of their apps. It has reportedly gained greater traction than Angular and Hue, according to Google reports. React JS is used by several well-known firms, like Netflix, Uber Eats, Airbnb, Facebook, and many more. This JavaScript library has so far been used in the development of more than 30,000 websites.

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We'll examine the principal justifications for selecting React JS for front-end development in this article.

It is so simple to learn & use

It is significantly simpler for a developer to master React JS than other frameworks like Angular and Vue. Learning React JS is made considerably simpler if you are already familiar with HTML and CSS. One of the reasons it is so well-liked is because of that. The speed of front-end development increases with the amount of time a developer spends learning a framework. Humans have a propensity to look for the simplest solution.


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SEO friendly

SEO (search engine optimization) is essential for your online success in the modern world. Applications that load slowly will have a lower Google ranking. You should speed up your application's loading and rendering in order to rank better in Google searches. React JS renders pages more quickly than previous JavaScript frameworks.

Good stability

React JS is more reliable than other JavaScript frameworks in this regard. This is as a result of its exclusive use of downward data flow. The parent structure is unaffected by the changes made to the child structure. If a React.JS developer wants to modify an object, they must modify the state and the object itself.

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Great community assistance

React JS has a large developer community that may help programmers out if they run into problems. Developers with experience frequently assist newcomers by responding to their questions on forums like Stack OverFlow. These knowledgeable neighbours offer solid solutions. They also help React JS become a more reliable and superior front-end development framework.

It provides for writing custom components

A free add-on for React JS called JSX is helpful for creating custom, first-rate applications. Additionally, it makes it easier to convert HTML mockups into ReactElement trees. You can create components using React JS and JSX, and these components support HTML quoting. Additionally, it makes subcomponent rendering enjoyable for developers.

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