Top 7 Features of the C Programming Language

Ah, the C language! You can't say enough about nostalgia and long-term longevity. C is not only one of the oldest programming languages, but it is also on the most popular lists of top programming languages to be used in 2021. It will most likely remain there until 2022.

C is sometimes called the mother of all programming languages. Because it has had a profound influence on so many programming languages over its nearly five-decade reign, it is called the mother of all programming languages. C++, Java, etc. These are some of the most popular programming languages, which have been inspired by concepts, design patterns, and so forth. 

These languages can be found in the most popular programming languages to learn charts. C, a very old programming language, is still in use.

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What is C?

C can be described as a statically-typed programming languages that can also be classified as a procedural program paradigm. C can be described as a function or procedure. C programs have a primary function that is responsible for initiating and terminating execution.


It was developed by Dennis Ritchie of Bell Labs and supports structured programming, lexical variables' scope, repetition, and recursion. C was created to solve the problems faced by BPCL, BASIC, and B programming languages. C was used to develop mainframes, minicomputers, and microcomputers in the 1980s.

Programming languages are popular for many reasons. These reasons can vary from one language to the next.

Many reasons make C popular. It is a simple language, which follows a structured programming approach. For example, it breaks down a problem into smaller problems and solves them.

C was also a programming language that existed before most of the current popular languages. Many of these have concepts that were inspired by the C programming language. It is well-suited for programming operating systems and compilers due to its low-level programming capabilities.

Features of C language

A vibrant set of inbuilt operators

Operators are constructs of programming languages that perform specific operations with variables. Operators can be either arithmetic or comparison depending on their operand(s). C comes with a large number of built-in operators that allow you to create both basic and advanced programs.

C is very extensible

C's extensibility is another reason it is a very popular programming language. You can easily extend the capabilities of C programs already written by adding code to them.

Dynamic Memory Allocation

C supports dynamic memory allocation. This simply means that you can alter the size of data structures in C at run-time. This is one of the best reasons to use the C programming language.

C also comes with many pre-built functions that deal with memory allocation. C's free() function allows users to access all of their allocated memory whenever they want. C also has calloc() and malloc() memory management functions.

Fast and performant

The list of features offered by newer programming languages is longer than that in C. But, more features equals more processing. These languages' performances suffer as a result. C, however, has only the essential features and is quicker and more efficient as less processing is needed. C is also statically-typed, which means that statically-typed languages are more efficient than dynamically-typed programs.

High Modularity

Modularity is a method of breaking down a program into smaller units. This can be done with C's functions, libraries, and modules. C's header files make it a highly modular programming language.

Middle-Level Language

C is also known as a middle level language. It provides low-level access and manipulation of the computer hardware. This powerful combination is one of the greatest reasons to use C.


Portability is another great feature of C. C programs written for one operating system can be run on another OS and compile with minimal to no changes. C is a hardware-independent programming system. This saves developers time and effort in rewriting the code to be implemented in different systems.

Wrap Up

C programming is extremely popular all over the globe, and this is due to the unique features of the C language. We have highlighted some of the most important features of the C language in this article. These features are why many multinational corporations and corporations still seek C programming specialists.


C, despite being a quinquagenarian in age, still stands strong as one of the top programming languages to learn in 2022. You won't be able to find a job as a developer if you only have a C. However, you can combine it with other popular technologies such as Python, JavaScript, and MySQL to create a rewarding and high-paying job.