Java Programming Help By CS Experts

Java is a Class Based Programming language. Java brings us to the advanced level of Object-Oriented Programming. It is a very Popular Programming language founded in 1995. It is Owned by Oracle and more than 3 billion devices run Java. With the help of java you can make any type of application. This Programming Subject is read and practiced by millions of students and some of them face difficulty with the java assignment and homeworks. In Such Situations they search for java Programming help. But don't worry we bring the top class Java Homework Help at affordable prices at a single click.


What Is Java Programming?


Java is a programming language and computing platform. Java was released by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems in 1995 and later developed by Oracle Corporation. It is centered on importing the necessary packages to access “Object” and “classes.” These objects have methods that do actions and fields that store data. Java is a very fast, secure, and reliable language. You are free to download it.


What Is Java Platform?


Java platform is a set of programs that help to develop and run applications. Programmers use Java programming language to write program codes. Java platform contains an execution engine, a set of libraries and a compiler. JAVA is a platform-independent language. It is not definite to the operating system and any processor.


Java compilers don't produce built-in executable code for a particular device like C. Java produces a unique code called bytecode. Java can be used to generate complete applications. It may run on a single device or server and clients in a network.


Hello World Example

Let's compile the hello java program:


class Simple{


public static void main(String args[]){


System.out.println("Hello Java");






Save the file as


Compile: javac


Execute: java Simple


Output: Hello Java


Flow Diagram Of Compilation Of This Code:

When a programmer compiles a Java program with the javac tool's help, it changes the source code into bytecode.


Important terms related to Java Assignments


Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

The Java Virtual Machine is like a computer system. It executes Java bytecode, and the processor can perform assembler commands. The JVM (Java Virtual Machine) can be implemented on different operating systems. Operating systems like Mac OS, Windows, IBM mainframes, Linux, Solaris and many others. If a Java program can run on a Java Virtual Machine on Windows, it can run on Linux or Mac Operating System.


There are often specific issues that make your applications behave differently, but behave like most. The JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is a program itself. When you start up the Java Virtual Machine, it tells you what Java code to execute. It decides CLI (command line interface). The command-line interface in Windows is like a bash.


Java Bytecode

Programmers write Java programs in Java language. It compiles into Java bytecode. The Java Virtual Machine executes it. Java is stored in binary .class files.


Java SDK (Software Development Kit)

The Java SDK is the Java Runtime Environment plus the Java compiler. It has a set of other tools. If you want to improve Java programs, you need the Java Software Development Kit. The Java Runtime Environment is not enough. Java SDK contains the Java compiler. Java compiler converts your java source code into bytecode .class files. Some Java servers need tools in the Java Development Kit (JDK). Java Server Pages (JSPs) compiles into Java bytecode.